Tag Archives: Eskom

Wiki Wednesday.

28 Sep

It’s the weekend in the desert. T minus 3 hours. Yes please. Bring it!

I’m having a little bitter sesh today though, even though it is the weekend. Being a tad of a princess about it really but literally everyone here is going away on holiday. Pick your destination people – Dubai, Sri Lanka, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand… and I’m sure there are more. I’m not jealous at all! Can you tell!? OK but on a serious note, I hope all you amaze desert friends have a fabulous time away, safe travels and I can’t wait to get all my presents from all of you on your return. Lovely.

Capetonians are all having a fat panic today about the power cut all over the city. Eskom is literally priceless – hiking up electricity rates to a ridic levels by adding 30% for um, what exactly!? So even though it’s not yet your weekend you can pretend it is. My fellow peaches. Pull yourselves towards yourselves. Here’s what you do in the case of a power cut:

1. Beach (obviously)

Chillax on Camps Bay beach – pure bliss.

If beach fails then, option 2:

2. Go to the bar. I’m sure the vino and brewski’s are still chilly.

Tjing tjing Rooftop Bar in the City Bowl. Just fab.

My preferred option would be option 3:

3. Go to the beach and hit Camps Bay strip for a bevvie, which is just on the beach obviously.

The trusty old Caprice.

You should all be thanking Eskom. At least when you have power cuts in Cape Town you’re not left with no air conditioner in the desert in 50 degree heat. I’m just saying.

Much to look forward to: it’s turning to winter in the desert so days are perfect, sun, pool, bevvies, farewell parties  (sob, sob), The Accomplice is home, Springboks winning, again and just an all round fabulous weekend to be had.

Cheers to the freakin weekend peaches!

Miss M x